Hello everyone, my name is Eduardo Elenes aka Spid3y for short. First things first, I was born in a small town in California named Lompoc, a very small town, but as a kid I was always outgoing and very competitive with my siblings. When I was younger I always had to do something with my hands and stay busy just to help myself keep out of trouble. I remember one day, I went to the store with my parents and went into the video game aisle and I just felt like I was in heaven. I had to convince them to buy me an xbox. At first they didn't want me to have one since they were scared I wouldn't pay attention to anything else besides my game (they were somewhat right).
I started my gaming journey with Halo 2 on the xbox but eventually played other FPS(First Person Shooter) games like Call of Duty. In 2005, I moved away from California to here (Arizona) and at the time I was still playing Call of Duty but I was slowly getting into more computer games like Dota 2 and League of Legends. Yes I was a FPS player at heart but I was slowly moving into MMOs (massively multiplayer online games) and other PC games.
So presently, I still play quite a bit of FPS and MMO, but now I got my hands on a switch and started playing Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. That's where I started to take gaming to a more competitive level since that was the game I was more comfortable at and had more knowledge on. Smash bros helped me as a player and now a TO (Tournament Organizer) here in the AZ scene. Ever since the game came out in December of 2018, I made a lot of good friends and met a lot of amazing players that I still have really good connections with since we have such a huge scene here in AZ.
Now with all the connections with the scene, I was able to have an opportunity with Campfire Esports and help them grow by hosting smash tournaments at their amazing venue here in Surprise, AZ. I couldn't be happier in the position I'm in now, helping bring Esports to the West Valley. We have a lot of amazing things planned for the future and I'm very happy to be a part of it!
One last thing to say, for those trying to get into Smash or just gaming I'd say go ahead and give it a shot. There's a lot of different games out there and a lot of different genres to play from. You don't need to focus on one specific genre. Then when you find the right one for you, go ahead and have fun with the game and hopefully in the future you can expand to a similar genre or one completely new!